Monday, July 26, 2010

monday july 26th 2010

I weighed in at 259 this morning. i've got a least 90 pounds to lose. I went to the gym tonight and burned at least 1000 calories. I intended to get up this morning and go work out but i slept in instead. I'll try again tomorrow. I ate too much today so that's still a problem. Spent too much money too, eating out for lunch. I've got to get my spending under control if i'm ever going to be able to afford the Jeep and Harley.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

my 1st blogging post

Forgive me if this all starts out completely random. This is my first attempt at blogging. I intend to blog about whatever is on my mind and will try to share with the world some truly original thinking. That being said, let's me start with a quote:

"I should not talk so much about myself if there were anybody else whom i knew as well." HDT.

Last night i posted an ad on Craiglist in the personals. I wasn't really seeking a reply because, as any craigslist fool can tell you, most of the replies men get are complete BS. So i just posted an ad that was more like a blog saying how lonely i was sitting in my apartment alone on a Saturday night listening to Miles Davis's "Generique" over and over again. To my surprise i recieved a couple a genuine replies from a few women you i guess were equally as lonely. We chatted, or type may be a more accurate term, about the song i was listening to, and how i thought it was the loneliest sound i had ever heard. It truly is the loneliest song. Anyway, i guess it was the closest thing to a date i've had in years. Which brings me to the point of my blog. My real intention is too keep a daily journal chronicaling my journey to becoming the man i want to be. Bad segue i know.

So who is the man i want to be? I have a very specific thing in mind. I'm 5'10, 160-170 lbs. Muscular. Friendly. Outgoing. Confident. I drive a Jeep, top down most of the time. I ride a Harley Davidson Iron 883 when i'm not in the Jeep. I'm gainfully employed, but not concerned with my career status. I go after what and who i want. I don't dismiss a woman's attention as her just being friendly, rather i accept at least the possiblity that she is interested in me.

I've tried to keep my goals in the realm of the realistic, things i can actually control. Some will be harder than others, but i am determined. I will be the man i want to be. I hope anyone reading this will enjoy it although i do this probably for myself more than anyone else.

Today is Sunday July 25th, 2010. I have eaten way too much, again. Today was a step backward. Tomorrow will be a step forward.

My future posts will probably be shorter. Feel free to comment if you can. I not sure how this will all work.

Until Tomorrow,